HIGH HATS AND HARPS - ISBN-10(13): 0957027834
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High Hats and Harps
High Hats And Harps, the fascinating and mesmerising historical biography of Lady Llanover, champion of Welsh culture and patron of the wonderful triple-harp, was published on January 10, 2013 and Vale of Glamorgan author Helen Forder has stirred up a maelstrom of excited talk in the popular media and in traditional circles. The good Lady has had her profile raised considerably by this former schoolteacher's detailed and meticulous research; and a new interest has been sparked and stirred in her many activities, such as the collection of Welsh folk music, creating a series of sketches of traditional Welsh costume, requiring her estate staff to dress in Welsh uniform, employ triple-harpers and learning the Welsh language.
(Mick Tems, Folkwales Online Magazine)
Available from:- Helen Forder (email); Glenside Printing; Nickleby's Bookstore, Llantwit Major; Amazon

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